
DYC Reopens for Community Sailing

Published Mon 23 Nov 2020

After 8 months, Docklands Yacht Club will be reopening for Community Sailing on Sunday 29th November at 1pm

The Club will be operating under strict COVID-19 restrictions, which include sign in via QR Code, masks to be worn and social distancing measures in place.

This will mean that we cannot have 2 people in a boat - unless they are from the same family, or co-habit together.

We appreciate that this has been a difficult year for many, however Membership for 2020-2021 is now due and invoices will be going out shortly. Thank you to those who have already paid their memberships, and we ask all other members to please pay when you can, as the Club has had no income from sailing days or chartering boats this year.

We look forward to welcoming you back onto the water.